We have loads of Breaking New Ground activities for you to get involved with this month!
Brecks and Mortar
We will be at Cranwich Church on 1st October to continue our survey of the building. New participants are very welcome, and all training and materials will be provided.
You will spend the day conducting a building survey at St Mary's Church, supervised by architectural historian Stephen Heywood.You will learn how to photograph and draw historic buildings, and how to work out their age based on architectural features.
Book here: www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/brecks-and-mortar-tickets-26580971401
Brecks from Above
As part of ‘Brecks from Above’ we will be giving a presentation on the archaeology identified from the air through the Breaking New Ground project and on aerial archaeology on the following dates:
13:00 – 14:00, Wednesday 5th October – Norfolk Record Office, www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-brecks-from-above-using-air-photos-to-map-archaeology-in-the-breckland-wilds-tickets-26054088480
10:30 – 11:30, Friday 7th October – Thetford Library, www.norfolk.gov.uk/libraries-local-history-and-archives/libraries/your-local-library/locations-and-opening-times/thetford-library
The talk at Thetford Library needs to be pre-booked by phoning Thetford Library on 01842 752048 or email : thetford.lib@norfolk.gov.uk
What Lies Beneath

Buried beneath the villages and towns which surround us, are material remains of our past. When fields are ploughed, the soil is turned over often bringing archaeological artefacts to the surface. The collection and mapping of these artefacts can give us valuable clues to what lies beneath.
This free training weekend, led by professional archaeologists, will introduce you to the methods and practices involved in archaeological fieldwalking. It includes the opportunity to undertake practical fieldwork in the hunt for traces of the early Brecks.
Join us for either one or two days.
All workshops and talks are free thanks to the Heritage Lottery Fund.